Saturday, September 1, 2012

Just What We Needed

Despite my earlier hopeful blog post (Here We Go Again) about having developed a bit of resilience in dealing with my kids' comings and goings, there hasn't been much bounce in my step since I got back from moving our youngest in for another year of college.  In fact, the long weekend was starting to look very long indeed.  We had no real plans, no Labor Day barbecues; even the college pool is closed until Tuesday, so no lap swimming.  I was starting to feel a little lost and forlorn, and then a text arrived from our middle child: "I'm on my way back" (and by back, he meant back to Fredonia, back home).  What a difference it makes to have a visit from a child right when you need one.  We played two sets of tennis after he arrived tonight; we'll have a child in his bedroom when we wake up in the morning; there will be another face at the table and more tennis tomorrow.  And when he leaves on Monday, maybe we'll be over the worst of the end-of-summer adjustment for another year.

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