Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Visit from Grandma

When the kids were growing up, my mom often came and stayed with us for a few days.  We all looked forward to visits from Grandma.  The kids loved having her visit because she raced Matchbox cars down the ironing board, played catch, did art projects, took walks, played board games, and read stories.   I liked hearing the news from home, having someone to share a pot of coffee with,  and smelling the familiar scent of her dusting powder after she had a bath.  But most of all, I liked the unhurried, peaceful time she spent with my kids.  I knew when they were with her, she was keeping them safe, teaching them things, playing with them, listening to them, and loving them.  I never had to worry about them when they were in her care, and this gave me a much-needed breather during those days of heavy-duty parenting.  As she and the kids got older, the visits became less frequent.  She doesn't drive much anymore and hasn't been here for quite awhile.  But she's coming tonight.  So today I'm cooking and cleaning.  While she's here, we'll drink coffee and work the crossword puzzle.  I'll hear the news from home.  We'll visit Ben's new apartment and meet Em for lunch at the conference center where she lifeguards.   We'll play games and take walks. And when she goes back home, we'll all feel listened to and loved, and I hope she will, too.

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