Sunday, October 9, 2016

Weekend Alone

What I Did On a Rare Weekend Home Alone:
  1. Took care of Zeke while Ben was gone
  2. Made food Steve and Ben don't like:
    • Avocado Tuna Boats 
    • Mediterranean Sweet Potatoes with Roasted Garbanzo Beans 
    • Avocado Toast
  3. Took Zeke to Lake Erie State Park to watch the sunset (me) and to sniff wildly (Zeke) 
  4. Made a baby pumpkin pie and homemade whipped cream 
  5. Kept checking the FHS Drama Club Broadway Trip itinerary to see what Ben and Steve (and the rest of the crew) were doing 
  6. Read in bed late at night (with the light one - not on my Kindle)
  7. Took Zeke to the farmers' market in the rain to get Macoun apples (because Macoun apples are worth walking in the rain with a rambunctious dog to get)
  8. Made pumpkin spice French toast 
  9. Sent a lot more snaps than usual
  10. Made a homemade pumpkin spice latte with homemade pumpkin spice syrup (it's amazing how far one can of pumpkin goes!)
  11. Watched Project Runway on DVR (and Pitch and Code Black and . . . )
  12. Made a sample bat silhouette craft for my upcoming visit to Ben's class
  13. Talked to Steve and Darton and texted with Em and Ben
  14. Stayed up for ALL of Saturday Night Live (Thanks to host Lin-Manuel Miranda!)
  15. Read in bed for an hour after I woke up this morning
  16. Did schoolwork, schoolwork, schoolwork
  17. Watched the Bills WIN - Go Bills!
  18. Walked Zeke, walked Zeke, walked Zeke
  19. Braced myself for the presidential debate
  20. Joined Zeke in waiting and watching for our boys to come home

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