Monday, August 27, 2012

First Day of School

For the past forty-six years (except for the two years right after college), the end of August/beginning of September has meant going to school.  You'd think I'd be used to it by now.  I've been teaching at SUNY Fredonia for twenty-five years, yet every single year I get nervous before the first day of school.  My stomach is jumpy and I have trouble sleeping the night before.  I get to my office bright and early and scramble around getting last minute things ready for my first class.  These days my classes are filled with early childhood and childhood education majors, so, in general, they are students who like school and are fun to teach.  This makes the day fly by, and by the time I get home, I'm tired but calm.  The jitters are gone, and the excitement of a new year and new students lingers as I get ready for the second day of school.

Beginning of Day One
End of Day One

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